LeetCode Contains Duplicate


Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates.

Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false if every element is distinct.

Example 1:

Input: [1,2,3,1]
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: [1,2,3,4]
Output: false

Example 3:

Input: [1,1,1,3,3,4,3,2,4,2]
Output: true



# Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates.
# Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false
# if every element is distinct.
# Example 1:
# Input: [1,2,3,1]
# Output: true
# Example 2:
# Input: [1,2,3,4]
# Output: false
# Example 3:
# Input: [1,1,1,3,3,4,3,2,4,2]
# Output: true

class Solution:
    def containsDuplicate(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        temp_dict = {}
        for val in nums:
            if val in temp_dict:
                return True
            temp_dict[val] = val
        return False

    def containsDuplicate_via_set(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        return len(nums) != len(set(nums))



Thanks a lot.