Windows下Libvirt Java API使用教程(二)- 接口使用说明

介绍完libvirt Java API的部署工作,接下来我们就介绍一下接口的使用和代码样例。


	public void init() {
		try {
			xenConn = new Connect("xen+tcp://");
			// system代表拥有系统权限/session是用户权限
			kvmConn = new Connect("qemu+tcp://");
		} catch (LibvirtException e) {

	 * 主机信息探测接口验证,验证可以获取的主机属性和监控指标,分别考虑Xen环境和KVM环境
	 * @author lihzh
	 * @date 2012-5-15 下午1:28:00
	public void testDetectHost() {
		// KVM
		// XEN

	 * 执行探测主机测试函数
	 * @param conn
	 * @author lihzh
	 * @date 2012-5-15 下午1:37:37
	private void doDetectHost(Connect conn) {
		try {
			// Returns the free memory for the connection
			// System.out.println("FreeMemory: " + conn.getFreeMemory());// 不支持
			// Returns the system hostname on which the hypervisor is running.
			// (the result of the gethostname(2) system call)
			// If we are connected to a remote system,
			// then this returns the hostname of the remote system
			System.out.println("Host name: " + conn.getHostName());
			// Gets the name of the Hypervisor software used.
			System.out.println("Type: " + conn.getType());
			// Gets the version level of the Hypervisor running. This may work
			// only with hypervisor call, i.e. with priviledged access to the
			// hypervisor, not with a Read-Only connection. If the version can't
			// be extracted by lack of capacities returns 0.
			// Returns:
			// major * 1,000,000 + minor * 1,000 + release

			NodeInfo nodeInfo = conn.nodeInfo();
			System.out.println("the number of active CPUs: " + nodeInfo.cpus);
			System.out.println("number of core per socket: " + nodeInfo.cores);
			System.out.println("memory size in kilobytes: " + nodeInfo.memory);
			System.out.println("expected CPU frequency: " + nodeInfo.mhz);
			System.out.println("string indicating the CPU model: "
					+ nodeInfo.model);
			System.out.println("the number of NUMA cell, 1 for uniform: "
					+ nodeInfo.nodes);
			System.out.println("number of CPU socket per node: "
					+ nodeInfo.sockets);
			System.out.println("number of threads per core: "
					+ nodeInfo.threads);
					.println("the total number of CPUs supported but not necessarily active in the host.: "
							+ nodeInfo.maxCpus());

			// for (String interName : conn.listInterfaces()) {
			// System.out.println(interName);
			// } 不支持

			// Provides the list of names of defined interfaces on this host

			// for (String interName : conn.listDefinedInterfaces()) {
			// System.out.println(interName);
			// } // 不支持

			// Lists the active networks.
			for (String networkName : conn.listNetworks()) {
				System.out.println("Network name: " + networkName);

			// Lists the names of the network filters
			for (String networkFilterName : conn.listNetworkFilters()) {
				System.out.println("Network filter name: " + networkFilterName);

		} catch (LibvirtException e) {


Host name: s5410
Type: QEMU
the number of active CPUs: 64
number of core per socket: 8
memory size in kilobytes: 49444896
expected CPU frequency: 2131
string indicating the CPU model: x86_64
the number of NUMA cell, 1 for uniform: 1
number of CPU socket per node: 4
number of threads per core: 2
the total number of CPUs supported but not necessarily active in the host.: 64
Network name: hello
Network name: default
Network filter name: no-other-l2-traffic
Network filter name: allow-dhcp
Network filter name: allow-dhcp-server
Network filter name: no-other-rarp-traffic
Network filter name: no-mac-spoofing
Network filter name: qemu-announce-self-rarp
Network filter name: clean-traffic
Network filter name: no-arp-spoofing
Network filter name: allow-ipv4
Network filter name: no-ip-spoofing
Network filter name: qemu-announce-self
Network filter name: allow-arp
Network filter name: no-mac-broadcast
Network filter name: allow-incoming-ipv4
Network filter name: no-ip-multicast

      <topology sockets='4' cores='8' threads='2'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='pdpe1gb'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='dca'/>
      <feature name='xtpr'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='tm2'/>
      <feature name='est'/>
      <feature name='vmx'/>
      <feature name='ds_cpl'/>
      <feature name='pbe'/>
      <feature name='tm'/>
      <feature name='ht'/>
      <feature name='ss'/>
      <feature name='acpi'/>
      <feature name='ds'/>

    <arch name='i686'>
      <machine canonical='rhel5.4.0'>pc</machine>
      <domain type='qemu'>
      <domain type='kvm'>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='no'/>

    <arch name='x86_64'>
      <machine canonical='rhel5.4.0'>pc</machine>
      <domain type='qemu'>
      <domain type='kvm'>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='no'/>


Host name: s55203
Type: Xen
the number of active CPUs: 32
number of core per socket: 8
memory size in kilobytes: 50276352
expected CPU frequency: 1995
string indicating the CPU model: x86_64
the number of NUMA cell, 1 for uniform: 1
number of CPU socket per node: 2
number of threads per core: 2
the total number of CPUs supported but not necessarily active in the host.: 32
Network name: default
Network filter name: allow-dhcp-server
Network filter name: qemu-announce-self-rarp
Network filter name: no-arp-spoofing
Network filter name: allow-arp
Network filter name: no-ip-multicast
Network filter name: no-other-rarp-traffic
Network filter name: allow-incoming-ipv4
Network filter name: no-mac-spoofing
Network filter name: allow-ipv4
Network filter name: no-ip-spoofing
Network filter name: clean-traffic
Network filter name: qemu-announce-self
Network filter name: no-other-l2-traffic
Network filter name: allow-dhcp
Network filter name: no-mac-broadcast


    <arch name='x86_64'>
      <domain type='xen'>

    <arch name='i686'>
      <domain type='xen'>

    <arch name='i686'>
      <domain type='xen'>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='yes'/>

    <arch name='x86_64'>
      <domain type='xen'>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='yes'/>

  • 注1:标注不支持的,是在当前环境当前libvirt版本下,运行会报: unsupported in sys interface的接口。
  • 注2:名词解释
    • hvm:gives similar information but when running a 32 bit OS fully virtualized with Xen using the hvm support。
    • numa:For processors that support hyperthreading, this is the number of hyperthreads they have per core. On a machine that doesn’t support hyperthreading, this will be 1.



	 * 测试探测虚拟机接口
	 * @author lihzh
	 * @date 2012-5-16 上午11:14:20
	public void testDetectDomains() {
		// KVM
		// XEN

	 * 执行探测虚拟机测试函数
	 * @param conn
	 * @author lihzh
	 * @date 2012-5-16 上午11:15:27
	private void doDetectDomains(Connect conn) {
		try {
			// Lists the active domains.(列出所有处于启动(激活)状态的虚拟机的id)
			for (int activeDomId : conn.listDomains()) {
				System.out.println("Active vm id: " + activeDomId);
				// 根据Id,探测各个虚拟机的详细信息
				Domain domain = conn.domainLookupByID(activeDomId);
				// Gets the hypervisor ID number for the domain
				System.out.println("Domain id: " + domain.getID());
				// Gets the public name for this domain
				System.out.println("Domain name: " + domain.getName());
				// Gets the type of domain operation system.
				System.out.println("Domain os type: " + domain.getOSType());
				// Gets the UUID for this domain as string.
				System.out.println("Domain uuid: " + domain.getUUIDString());
				// Retrieve the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a
				// domain.
				System.out.println("Domain max memory: "
						+ domain.getMaxMemory());
				// Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for the
				// guest VM. If the guest is inactive, this is basically the
				// same as virConnectGetMaxVcpus. If the guest is running this
				// will reflect the maximum number of virtual CPUs the guest was
				// booted with.
				System.out.println("Domain max vcpu: " + domain.getMaxVcpus());
				// Provides an XML description of the domain. The description
				// may be
				// reused later to relaunch the domain with createLinux().
				System.out.println("Domain xml description: "
						+ domain.getXMLDesc(0));
				System.out.println("Domain maxMen allowed: "
						+ domain.getInfo().maxMem);
				System.out.println("Domain memory: " + domain.getInfo().memory);
				// domain.getJobInfo()
				// 不支持
				System.out.println("Domain state: " + domain.getInfo().state);
				// Provides a boolean value indicating whether the network is
				// configured to be automatically started when the host machine
				// boots.
				System.out.println("Domain network autostart: "
						+ domain.getAutostart());
				// Extracts information about virtual CPUs of this domain
				for (VcpuInfo vcpuInfo : domain.getVcpusInfo()) {
					System.out.println("cpu: " + vcpuInfo.cpu);
					System.out.println("cpu time: " + vcpuInfo.cpuTime);
					System.out.println("cpu number: " + vcpuInfo.number);
					System.out.println("cpu state: " + vcpuInfo.state);
				// 如果是KVM环境
				if (conn.getURI().startsWith("qemu")) {
					// This function returns block device (disk) stats for block
					// devices attached to the domain
					DomainBlockInfo blockInfo = domain
									+ domain.getName() + "/disk");
					System.out.println("Disk Capacity: "
							+ blockInfo.getCapacity());
					System.out.println("Disk allocation: "
							+ blockInfo.getAllocation());
					System.out.println("Disk physical: "
							+ blockInfo.getPhysical());

					DomainBlockStats blockStats = domain.blockStats("vda");
					// 磁盘读取请求总数
					System.out.println("read request num: " + blockStats.rd_req);
					// 磁盘读取总bytes数
					System.out.println("read request num: " + blockStats.rd_bytes);
					// 磁盘写入请求总数
					System.out.println("read request num: " + blockStats.wr_req);
					// 磁盘写入总bytes数
					System.out.println("read request num: " + blockStats.wr_bytes);

			// 列出所有停止态的虚拟机
			for (String name : conn.listDefinedDomains()) {
				System.out.println("Inactive domain name: " + name);

		} catch (LibvirtException e) {


Active vm id: 53
Domain id: 53
Domain name: i-546A099E
Domain os type: hvm
Domain uuid: e608560a-2c03-8e48-2e60-d0d01693f530
Domain max memory: 147456
Domain max vcpu: 1
Domain xml description: <domain type='xen' id='53'>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <clock offset='utc'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='file'/>
      <source file='/opt/awcloud/instance/admin/i-546A099E/disk'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='file'/>
      <source file='/opt/awcloud/instance/admin/i-546A099E/disk2'/>
      <target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='d0:0d:54:6a:09:9e'/>
      <source bridge='xenbr0'/>
      <script path='vif-bridge'/>
      <target dev='vif53.0'/>
    <serial type='file'>
      <source path='/opt/awcloud/instance/admin/i-546A099E/console.log'/>
      <target port='0'/>
    <console type='file'>
      <source path='/opt/awcloud/instance/admin/i-546A099E/console.log'/>
      <target port='0'/>
    <input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='vnc' port='17237' autoport='no'/>

Domain maxMen allowed: 147456
Domain memory: 139140
Domain network autostart: false
cpu: 31
cpu time: 2225977676675
cpu number: 0
Domain network autostart: false
Inactive domain name: i-46A70811
Inactive domain name: i-38C20705
Inactive domain name: i-498E09B2
Inactive domain name: null
Inactive domain name: null
Inactive domain name: null
Inactive domain name: null
Inactive domain name: null

结果分析: 结果中基本包含了一个虚拟机组成的全部元素信息。如果你想做一个监控系统,你可以发现这里有

  • 虚拟机的名字
  • 虚拟机的Id
  • 虚拟机的内存大小
  • 虚拟CPU个数
  • 虚拟机磁盘文件信息,磁盘文件的大小。甚至包括log等信息。
  • 虚拟磁盘读写速率。
  • 虚拟机网络设备信息。Mac地址,设备类型等。
  • 虚拟机网卡读写速率。

基本可以满足一个监控系统的需求。 解释一下上面的测试代码。libvirt Java API的入口基本都是通过Connect这个类,也就是首先建立与被管理主机之间的连接

Connect kvmConn = new Connect("qemu+tcp://");






for (int activeDomId : conn.listDomains())

只是有的获取的直接,有可能需要解析xml格式的返回值来获取需要参数值。比如:diskpathinterfacepath。 最后再简单介绍一下管控接口:

	 * 测试虚拟机的简单操作
	 * @author lihzh
	 * @date 2012-5-16 下午3:35:43
	public void testControlVM() {
		try {
			Domain domain = kvmConn.domainLookupByID(8);
			System.out.println("Domain state: " + domain.getInfo().state);
			System.out.println("Domain state: " + domain.getInfo().state);
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
				System.out.println("wait for: " + (5 - i));
			System.out.println("Resume vm.");
			System.out.println("Domain state: " + domain.getInfo().state);
		} catch (LibvirtException e) {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {


好了,相对于VMwareXenserver等虚拟化平台的SDK,libvirt的Java API还是比较简单的,上手很快,结构很简单。当然,功能上可能还是有所欠缺,信息量上,没有其他的那么充足。基于XML的方式操作资源,减少了接口的个数,使调用更直接,但是对开发人员却增加了困难。不过仍不失为一个不错的虚拟机环境操作的API,尤其是针对KVM/XEN的环境来说,可谓不二的选择。

Thanks a lot.